Apple has been experimenting with light fonts to display the date and time on the lock screen in iOS updates over the years, and the only thing that hasn’t changed is its location. By default, the date and time on the lock screen are displayed slightly above the screen. Apple offers no options on iOS to customize the date and time positioning. Therefore, it is not surprising that Jailbreak developers have created tweaks for this purpose. Arizona is a newly released and free jailbreak tweak by iOS developer Luki120 that allows users to reposition the date and time on the lock screen as they wish.

In other words, it lets users change the alignment of the stock lock screen clock to a fixed position (left or right) or to a custom position you want.

In the example image above, you can see that we used Arizona to change the lock screen’s date and time location. Undoubtedly, users can get more aesthetic results by connecting with Arizona’s options set in the settings app.

Arizona tweak settings

Here, Arizona tweak lets you to,

  • Toggle Arizona tweak on or off
  • Choose Lock Screen date and time display positioning as
    • Left
    • Center
    • Right
  • Enable or disable custom Lock Screen date and time positioning
  • Adjust Lock Screen’s date and time position with two sliders, the X and Y.

The tweak does not provide a respring button to save the changes you made, and changes appear to take effect without a respring. However, you will have to lock the device for the changes to take effect.

Arizona tweak repo & Download

Those who want to try Arizona can download it for free from the Twickd repository through their favorite Package Manager. Also, the tweak supports jailbroken iOS 13 and iOS 14 devices. It is also open-source on the developer’s GitHub page. So, you can know how the tweak works if you visit it. 

Finally, do you intend to change the date and time display on your phone lock screen with Arizona tweak? Be sure to let us know in the comments section below.

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