I like to look at the status bar to see how much time or remaining battery. Unfortunately, full-screen apps hide the status bar. Also, having to drag from top to bottom of the screen to reveal the status bar in the notification center is annoying. So, this requires a secondary pull-down gesture to view the status bar of the notification center. To get rid of the clutter mentioned above, I always use the GrabberEX jailbreak tweak by iOS developer XQF. In other words, it saves you from having to swipe down twice to know the time or to see if your battery is left.

GroberX shows the time and battery percentage inside of the grabber. So, you do not have to go through the notification center opening process to know this valuable information. Incredibly, this tweak is perfect for gamers.

After installation, the Tweak adds a preference window to the settings app where users can configure several options.

GrabberEX tweak
  • Turn on or off 24-hour time
  • Select a custom text color
  • Select a custom grabber label color

Another thing is that the newly released and free GrabberInApps by the same developer has been integrated with Jailbreak Tweak, and you can get this functionality in apps like VLC and YouTube, which are not usually functional.

Moreover, considering how important it is for most people to find out about time and battery level, it is surprising that Apple does not offer such a feature natively.

GrabberEX repo & Download

Those interested in trying Both GrabberEX and GrabberInApps can download for free from the Twickd Repository via your favorite Package Manager. These tweaks support jailbroken iOS 14 devices.

Do you intend to install GrabberEX or GroberInApps to check your time and battery level while using full-screen apps? So, be sure to let us know in the comment section below.

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