One growing trend I have seen recently is that jailbreakers are coming to social media to share their iPhone stability and experience. In summary, some jailbreakers seem to take pleasure in showing the strength of their iPhones. One of them is unique for sharing information about Jailbreak.

One way to do this is to show how long an iOS device has been running in a jailbroken state, without re-jailbroken. For a long time, it showed that the iPhone or iPad had crashed or had not been forcibly restarted.

According to the recently released checkra1n Jailbreak, you must maintain your iOS 14 jailbroken device without restarting or rebooting. Otherwise, your iOS 14 jailbreak will be lost from your iPhone or iPad.

Jailbreakers usually need to use a mobile terminal application to find the current uptime on their iPhone when jailbroken state. iOS developer Itznebs has released a new and free Jailbreak tweak called CCUptime that simplifies the process several times by adding an easy button to the control center. Here you can see below the clock themed CCUptime button.

CCUptime Icon Control Center

After tapping, the button displays a pop-up message that records the number of days, hours, and minutes the iPhone has been running in its jailbroken state.

We jailbroke the iPhone a few days ago with the latest version of checkra1n. So our time is only four days, 02 hours and 14 minutes. Sometimes for almost a year, you can reflect this change by tapping the button.

CCUptime Control Center

You do not have the option to configure CCUptime to activate or modify it. Just install it. CCUptime tweak adds a new icon to the Control Center settings window. There you can enable the CCUptime module and choose to locate it in the Control Center interface.

CCUptime Tweak Control Center Settings
CCUptime Tweak Control Center Settings

If you would like to download CCUptime, you can download CCUptime for free from the Packix repository through your favorite Package Manager. This tweak works on Jailbroken iOS 13 and 14 devices.

Share with us what the current jailbreak time on your jailbroken handset is? You can use the comment section below for that.

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