Many iPhone owners already know that Apple has introduced a security mechanism called Auto-Lock feature in their operating system. Once configured, the user can lock the phone automatically after the defined idle time. Further, when you do not actively use your iPhone, it goes to sleep to save power and stop your essential data from being passed on to others.
Although the automatic lock is active in most cases, a few things go beyond the Auto-Lock feature, such as playing video and playing particular games. Further, if you are watching something on your iPhone, you will have to go there immediately in case of emergency. What if your battery goes down on the way back?

As a solution to this, a free jailbreak tweak called AutoLockX released by iOS developer Julio Verne will help you.

AutoLockX Tweak
AutoLockX Tweak Settings

According to the screenshot above, the developer has added a preferences window to the settings app. It allows users to enable or disable as well as configure an automatic lock timer. I think Apple should allow users to enable or disable this Auto-Lock feature by default at the user’s discretion.

With AutoLockX tweak installed, you can ensure that your data is secure when you leave your iPhone while playing a video or playing a game. Then, you do not have to worry about anyone getting your iPhone when you are not around.

Whether or not AutoLockX is useful to you depends on how you use your device. AutoLockX helps users who regularly override the native auto-lock feature, but not for those who do not use it.

Those who want to try AutoLockX can download it for free from Julio Verne’s repository through their favorite Package Manager. This jailbreak tweak supports jailbroken iOS 13 devices and iOS 14 devices. If you have not already added Julio Verne’s repository, you can add it to your Cydia sources with the following URL.

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