Some iPhone users are worried about the battery level of their devices, and interested in the battery level for a long time to ensure that the battery does not drain quickly. As you already know, iOS indicates a green battery icon fill for any battery percentage above 20% by default, and less than 20%, it turns red. iOS developer ExeRhythm has changed it and done something different for the battery colorization experience by releasing a new jailbreak tweak named Batterain. It simply colors the battery indicator based on how much battery you have left. Significantly, the developer has developed this tweak using the Swift programing language and Orion tool.

ExeRhythm has already created several open-source jailbreak tweaks using the Swift programming language and Orion tool. And he is pushing new developers to create new things using the Swift programming language and Orion tool. The jailbreak tweak released by TransparentDock in a previous article is also created by ExeRhythm using the above Swift and Orion tool.

Significantly, the concept behind this jailbreak tweak isn’t exactly new. But there are many jailbreak tweaks to do the same thing. As described in the developer’s /r/jailbreak release post, the developer has created the Batterain tweak using the new Orion tool, allowing jailbreak developers to develop new jailbreak tweaks using the Swift language.

Once installed, with the fluctuating battery level of your handset throughout the day, the battery indicator continues to change colors according to a slow-shifting color gradient. Noticeably, it doesn’t provide options to change the additional settings, and colors of the indicator.

If you want to add custom colors to the battery indicator, you can install ColorMyBattery iOS 14 tweak.

Download Batterain tweak for iOS 14

Those interested in trying the Batterain tweak can download it free from ExeRhythm’s repository via your favorite package manager. The tweak supports jailbroken iOS 14 devices. The tweak is also open-source on the developer’s GitHub page.

You can add ExeRhythm ‘s repository to your package manager app using the following URL.

Do you interest in making your battery level indicator more aesthetically pleasing by installing the Batterain tweak? Be sure to share your ideas in the comments section below.

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