Have you used the native screen recording feature on iOS or iPadOS when playing music in the Apple Music app? If so, you will notice that the recorded videos are captured without any sound while the songs are playing. Therefore, iOS developer Ichitaso has developed a new and free Jailbreak tweak called ScreenRecordingMusic, which will bypass the above.

After installation, the ScreenRecordingMusic tweak allows you to record your screen with audio while playing a piece of music in the background through the Apple Music app or another music app. It’s a simple thing and a solution to a problem that users have been waiting for years.

But why Apple doesn’t allow it natively? Essentially, they don’t want users capturing the sound with the screen recording feature. Furthermore, then sharing and distributing it with others, as this would be a copyright violation.

That isn’t such an issue when used responsibly and without the purpose to copy, share, or distribute, especially when the material is intended for personal use. Nonetheless, we advise against recording copyrighted audio in the first place. Please do not utilize ScreenRecordingMusic tweak for any nefarious activities that are in violation of copyright laws. You’ve been given fair warning.

ScreenRecordingMusic Tweak Repo

Those interested in trying the ScreenRecordingMusic jailbreak tweak can be downloaded for free from Ichitaso’s repository via your favorite package manager app of your liking. The jailbreak tweak supports jailbroken iOS 12, iOS 13, and iOS 14 devices. It is also open-source on the developer’s GitHub page.

Those who haven’t already used Ichitaso’s repository can add the repo to their package manager app of like by using the URL below.


Are you interested in installing the new ScreenRecordingMusic tweak, and how do you plan to use the tweak? We would like to hear your thoughts in the comments section below.

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