With each annual software update, Apple generally fails to provide quick access to convenient actions for iPhone users. However, Jailbreak developers are often quick to offer jailbreak users features not offered by the iOS operating system. ReachOptions iOS 14 is a newly released and free downloadable jailbreak tweak by iOS Developer ajaidan0 that allows users to access a wide range of easy-to-use options by performing the Reachability gesture on their iPhone, as shown in the screenshot example above.

Especially, one thing to note is that ReachOptions completely replaces Reachability. So, if you regularly use Reachability, this solution may not be suitable for you. On the other hand, if you never use Reachability, this is a good way for you to use native gestures to execute various functions on your iPhone.

ReachOptions iOS 14 Features

  • Capturing a screenshot
  • Opening Control Center
  • Locking the device
  • Respringing the device
  • Implementing UICache
  • Enabling or disabling Wi-Fi
  • Performing SpotLight Search
  • Accessing Reachability
ReachOptions iOS 14 Settings

As mentioned in the screenshot above, you can enable or disable each options through your device’s settings app.

Then, you should tap the Apply button at the top right of the preferences window to save the configuration options you have done.

ReachOptions Tweak Repo / Download

However, if you are interested in the ReachOptions tweak, you can download it for free from the Packix repository via your favorite package manager. ReachOptions tweak supports all jailbroken iPhones running on iOS 13 and iOS 14.

So, do you have the intention to replace your iPhone’s Reachability interface with these convenient menu items? Be sure to share why or why not in the comments section below.

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