Apple has discontinued Intel processors for its Macs from this year. In the year 2020, Apple introduced the latest Macs with their latest silicon m1 chips. But from the outside, we can see no difference between a Mac with Intel Processors and a Mac with M1 Processors. Then, how do you know that if the Mac you are using runs on an Intel or Apple Silicon M1 processor? For example, the 2018 MacBook Air released with the 2018 MacBook Air and the M1 is similar, and Apple has made a not-so-noticeable transition between the Intel Max and the M1. 

How to Check if Your Mac Is Using an Intel or Apple Silicon M1 Processor in macOS Big Sur?

You can use the About This Mac feature to determine if your Mac has an intel or m1 chip processor. On your macOS Big Sur,

  1. Click the Apple icon from the top left corner of the menu bar
  2. Then, select the About This Mac option 
How to Check if Your Mac Is Using an Intel or Apple Silicon M1 Processor

Once you have selected, you will find information about your Mac, like specific hardware and software running. If in the line where it tells Chip, you can see the type of your processors like Apple M1 or higher. It means you are using a Mac with an Apple Silicon CPU. If it contains the word Intel, then your Mac is an Intel-based processor. It means you are using a Mac with an Intel chip. For further clarifications, you can see sample screenshots below. 

Intel Processor or Apple Silicon M1 Processor

That is how you can quickly know if your Mac is running an Intel processor or an Apple Silicon processor. 

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