DeleteForeverXS deletes Media Completely without moving to Recently Deleted

Once you deleted a photo or video from the Photos app, it will add the photo to the recently deleted album. But, some users do not like it because they have to repeat the same task.

Apple has recently added a deleted album to the Photos app to prevent accidental deletion of important photos or videos. However, the two-step process allows you to go back and restore something you deleted. In such cases, it is a handy feature. But, some times when the process of these two steps can be more troublesome than it may be useful.

DeleteForeverXS is a free jailbreak tweak provided by iOS developer P2KDev that removes the recently deleted album on iOS and iPadOS. Then you do not need to take any extra steps or effort to delete a photo or video from your device.

This tweak concept was previously modified by iOSCreatix as DeleteForever. The latest version, named DeleteForeverXS, supports the latest firmware versions of Apple.

Most users do not notice the recently deleted album because it is at the bottom of the Photo Albums app. If you share your iPhone with others, you may be able to delete and restore your sensitive photos or videos temporarily. But, DeleteForeverXS loses what you mentioned above.

Those who want to try out the new DeleteForeverXS tweak can download it for free from the Packix repository via their favorite Package Manager. This tweak supports Jailbroken iOS 13 and 14. Also, it is open-source on the developer’s GitHub page for those interested in learning more about how it works.

You can add Packix repository to your Cydia sources with this URL:

Do you want to remove the recently deleted album from your iPhone Photos app with this tweak, or do you want to keep it? Let us know in the comments section below.

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