As a jailbreaker, you must always think seriously about using mobile location services with all the apps that check the location of your device. Significantly, location usage directly affects users’ privacy and is also crucial in your battery usage. So, this article will present you with some of the best location tweaks iOS 14.

The best jailbreak tweaks for location services on iOS 14

So, without wasting any more of your time, let’s dive into it.


LocationFakerX is one of the best location spoofing jailbreak tweaks for your jailbroken iPhone running iOS 14. It allows you to change your location for any app (Ex: WeChat, Facebook, Find My iPhone, Google Maps, and more.) To spoof your actual location, just select the location in the map and turn on the switch. Another feature is that you can add the location to your Favorites list and change your location quickly.

LocationFakerX tweak is also compatible with iOS 10 to 14.

LocationFakerX Repo: BigBoss

Download:LocationFakerX (Free)

LocationFakerX Module

LocationFakerX is an awesome tweak by iOS developer Cunstuck, and the only way to launch the tweak is to tap the app icon from the home screen. So, LocationFakerX Module makes it easier to launch the LocationFakerX tweak from the control center. It adds a CC toggle to activate LocationFakerX.

Download: LocationFakerX Module (Free)

LocationFakerX Module Repo:

Location Faker

Location Faker is at the top of the list of location service tweaks that allows jailbreakers to spoof their location. Once installed, users can configure the tweak from the Settings app by entering longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates for any location on the earth and applying changes to make their device think they are actively residing at that location they entered.

Download: Location Faker (Free)

Location Faker Repo:


Someone can decide to use Apple’s ‘find my friends’ function to track others with their malicious intent without their consent. Chusma is a jailbreak tweak by iOS developer Itay that prevents tracking by alerting the user anytime someone starts tracking in the background. In that case, it displays a notification banner when tracking the user, and then the user can turn the feature off.

Download: Chusma (Free)

Chusma Repo:


Relocate is a minimalistic GPS Location Spoofer tweak for iOS 14 created by iOS developer Nepeta. Once you install it, all configuration options are available from the preference window in the Settings app. You need to tap on the map to change location or type the location/city name to select.

Furthermore, the Relocate tweak can also disable GPS on your jailbroken device and set a fake location.

Download: Relocate (Free)

Relocate Repo:

[Nepeta’s Mirror Repository]


LiveSafari is a fun and quirkiness jailbreak tweak by iOS developer Skitty. Surprisingly, the Live Safari tweak always animates the compass arrow in the native Safari app icon on the home screen, always pointing north. In another way, the Safari’s icon act like a real compass, and the needle points towards the magnetic north.

The developer believes the battery life shouldn’t be significantly affected, as it uses the device’s internal magnetometer. LifeSafari doesn’t provide any options to configure. You can simply install to enable and uninstall to disable the tweak.

Download: LiveSafari (Free)

LiveSafari Repo:

SilentMaps13 – $1.49

Most car drivers listen to music while they drive, and typically those drivers use native Apple’s Maps app to find their way easily.

SilentMaps13 is a useful jailbreak tweak, and it prevents the Maps app from disturbing you with directional announcements. Instead of that, it takes your attention with a short notification sound of your choice.

Buy: SilentMaps13 ($1.49)

SilentMaps13 Repo:

Relocate Reborn iOS 14

The advantage of jailbreaking your iPhone or iPad is, you can spoof your actual location. Many jailbreak tweaks are available to do the same thing, but one of the most simplistic and the best tweak is Relocate by iOS developer Nepeta.

Relocate Reborn is an updated version of the tweak mentioned above called Relocate. As you might come to expect, the tweak is just as easy to use as the Relocate tweak. But it comes with many additional features that you may find extraordinarily valuable.

Download: Relocate Reborn (Free)

Download Relocate Reborn.deb file: Relocate Reborn.deb

Dark Maps

The Apple Maps app usually displays its map according to the light mode or dark mode when your iPhone’s system settings. Dark Maps is also location services tweak iOS 14, forcing Apple Maps to show in dark mode every time regardless of your system settings.

Download: Dark Maps (Free)

Dark Maps Repo:

BlueFinder – $1.50

You can track your missing AirPods and other devices with the help of your iPhone. But there is no other way to do that.

However, if you’ve lost your iPhone anywhere in your house, like in your bed or your bag, but you cannot manage to find it? Just, you can turn ON any of your Bluetooth devices two times in a row (or more), and your phone will start ringing, vibrating and flashing.

To work correctly, you must enable your iPhone’s Bluetooth, and it works even if you are in silent mode or in Do Not Disturb. One more thing, this tweak works with every Bluetooth device that has been previously paired with your phone.

Buy: BlueFinder ($1.50)

BlueFinder Repo:

Asteroid – $1.99

The Asteroid is a Weather-centric jailbreak tweak, and it draws from your current location to show relevant data specific to your place. After installing the Asteroid tweak, you can experience live weather displays on your Lock Screen, via the Weather app icon, and in the Status Bar for your current location. Apart from that, the Asteroid tweak adds a weather-centric effect to your Lock Screen and Home Screen wallpapers.

Buy: Asteroid ($1.99)

Asteroid Repo:


Here is the list of the best jailbreak tweaks for iOS 14’s location services, but as always, we appreciate your comments below if you think we might’ve missed necessary jailbreak tweaks for location services.

Are you looking for more jailbreak tweaks? Try these:

So, I would like to know what was your favorite iOS 14-centric location service-based tweak. Be sure to share your ideas and the tweaks you know in the comments section below.

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