You jailbreak your iPhone and iPad specifically for customizing and exploring various tweaks. It is a known fact that many tweaks and themes have already been created for this purpose. In the meantime, you can download the best all in one jailbreak customize tweaks for iOS 14, where all the customizations can be done in one place. So, today’s article brings you the best Control Center Tweaks for iOS 14, where you can customize the Control Center.

So, without wasting any more of your time, we’ll jump into it.

Best Control Center Tweaks for iOS 14

  1. CCSupport
  2. PowerSelector iOS 11 to 14
  3. LocationService (CCSupport)
  4. White Point Module
  5. Zefy
  6. CC On & Off
  7. CCCalc (iOS 14)
  8. Coeus
  9. FiveColumnsCC iOS 14
  10. CoolCC
  11. ShyCC
  12. BigSurCenter


CCSupport Tweak iOS 14

CCSupport is the best Control Center Tweaks for iOS 14 by iOS developer opa334, allowing third-party developers to add their modules to the Control Center. Significantly, the tweak safely adds modules to ensure that the Control Center doesn’t clutter when the tweak is not loaded. It is worth to mention CCSupport lets you change the positions of modules and move them around on the CC screen based on your personal preferences. In other words, users can place them at the position that they prefer by changing the Control Center preferences in the settings app.

If you have jailbroken your iPhone or iPad and running iOS 11 to iOS 14, then you can try it out by downloading it for free from the BigBoss repository. The tweak is also open-source on the developer’s Github page.

PowerSelector iOS 11 to 14

PowerSelector iOS 11 to 14

PowerSelector tweak is a free jailbreak tweak by iOS developer ichitaso that allows jailbreakers to perform various options such as Reboot, LDRestart, Safe Mode, Respring, gUICache, and more by using a Control Center module.

Once you installed it, you can configure it from the settings app, and the PowerSelector tweak adds features in three places to customize it in iOS 14, such as ControlCenter, Power off-menu, and Home Screen. Instead of those features, It displays Wi-Fi IP, Global IP, uptime, RAM information in the ControlCenter’s information section.

You can download the PowerSelector tweak for free from the ichitaso repository. It also supports jailbroken iOS 11 to 14 devices.

If you have not already added the ichitaso repository, you can add this to your Package Manager from the following URL:

LocationService (CCSupport)

LocationService iOS 14

LocationService (CCSupport) by ichitaso allows mainly Turn on or off location service from the Control Center. After installing this LocationService (CCSupport), you will be relieved of the hassle of activating Location Service through the iOS settings app. A simple swipe helps you open Control Center and quickly enable or disable your Location Service.

The tweak adds unique preferences window to the LocationService settings to further configuration under the Control Center preferences.

Those who want to add the Location Service module to the CC on your iPhone can download the LocationService (CCSupport) tweak for free from the ichitaso repository. It also supports jailbroken iOS 11 to 14 devices.

White Point Module

White Point Module is a Control Center tweak by iOS developer opa334, which lets you reduce White Point on iPhone using Control Center. After installation, it adds a module to the Control Center to enable or disable White Point functionality on your iPhone.

After installing this white point module, you will be relieved of the hassle of enabling white point functionality through the settings app. A simple swipe helps you open Control Center and quickly enable or disable your white point functionality. You can check our previous article about “How to enable Darker Mode on iPhone.”

If you have a jailbroken iPhone and running iOS 11 to iOS 14, then you can try it out by downloading it for free from the opa334’s repository.

Add White Point Module Repo:


Zefy tweak iOS 14

Zefy is a jailbreak tweak that makes Spotify behave more like a default media player on jailbroken iPhones. If you have a jailbroken iPhone and you’re also an avid Spotify user, then you could probably benefit from the Zefy tweak by iOS developer udevs. This tweak makes Spotify more like a native music player than just a third-party alternative to Apple’s.

According to the developer, Zefy tweak offers the following valuable features to Spotify users.

  • Automatically play the last played song on Spotify when you tap the play button on the Control Center, regardless of whether the song is pre-loaded or not.
  • Implement the above action while your device is still locked.
  • Activator supports allow users to start Spotify playback without interacting with an app such as AirPods or any compatible headset.
  • Integrated Command Line Interface (CLI) to play your favorite playlist.

If you also want to enhance the new user experience with Spotify on your jailbroken iPhone or iPad, you can download Zefy for free from the udevs repository. Zefy supports jailbroken iOS 14 devices.

Add udevs repository:

CC On & Off

CC On & Off is a simple Control Center tweak and the RealCC tweak alternative. Mainly, it allows jailbreakers to completely and explicitly turned off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi from the Control Center. As you know, RealCC does precisely the same. Probably, we can’t see any difference between the CC On & Off and RealCC tweaks.

The tweak is compatible with iOS 11 to iOS 14 devices.

You can download CC On & Off for free from poomsmart’s repository. If the repo is not available in your package manager, add it using this URL:

CCCalc (iOS 14)

CCCalc iOS 14

CCCalc iOS 14 is a Control Center tweak that turns your calculator module into a real calculator without opening a native iOS calculator app. After installation, all you have to do is just 3D touch on the calculator module in Control Center. Then, it works almost exactly like the stock calculator app in iOS.

You can download the tweak for free from the gilesgc repository. If you haven’t already added the repo, add it using this URL:


Coeus Tweak iOS 14

Coeus is an awesome Control Center module by iOS developer Azzou that lets users add another module to Control Center with any number of custom app shortcuts that they like. You can also add Activator shortcuts to the mix. Users can choose the size of the module, like large or small, and the number of shortcuts that appear in it. Moreover, Coeus includes 70 pre-loaded glyphs.

Once you installed Coeus, you can enable it by visiting Settings > Control Center > Customize Controls and dragging the Coeus item into the “Include” section. After enabled, you can see the Coeus preferences and configure the module by setting Activator action.

If you’re interested in giving Coeus a try, then you can download it for free from Azzou’s repository. The tweak supports jailbroken iOS 13 and iOS 14 devices. It is also open-source on the developer’s GitHub page.

FiveColumnsCC for iOS 14

FiveColumnsCC iOS 14

By default, CC modules come with four module columns. So, iOS developer 4nni3 released a Control Center customization tweak called FiveColumnsCC that adds a fifth column of modules to your Control Center in iOS 14.

Those who want to add five CC modules for the Control Center can download FiveColumnsCC for iOS 14 free from the 4nni3 repository.

FiveColumnCC Repo:


CoolCC Tweak iOS 14

This tweak makes your Control Center cool and gives you a nice-looking CC module for your iPhone. The specialty of this tweak is to add borders and remove the background of the Control Center modules. Once you installed the CoolCC, it allows you to configure it as you like, such as enabling dark background, change the border size, change the border color, and more.

CoolCC is available for free from the Packix repository and is compatible with iOS 11 to iOS 14.


ShyCC Tweak

ShyCC is a cool jailbreak tweak by iOS developer CydiaGeek, which completely disables the Pull-Down gesture for invoking the CC system-wide. The tweak also disables the Control Center on the Lock Screen and Home Screen.

If you want more details, you can see the full review on this ShyCC tweak.


BigSurCenter jailbreak Tweak

iOS developer nicho1asdev’s released the BigSurCenter tweak, and it brings the macOS Big Sir-inspired Control Center for iOS and iPadOS devices. Specifically, this tweak gives your iOS, and iPadOS stock Control Center interface a completely modified Control Center interface.

You can see the full review for details on this BigSurCenter tweak.

We already know that there are many best Control Center Tweaks for iOS 14 on the market today. Not all of them can be included in this article. For that reason, the below comment section is reserved for you if you would like to make some respectful mention so that fellow readers can benefit.

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