As a jailbreaker with a jailbroken iOS 14 iPhone or iPad, you can customize many features on your iOS device. However, often, the specific customization options are spread across multiple tweaks that various developers developed. In other words, different tweaks have been created for each customization option. So it can be a big hassle as you have to install many tweaks separately to customize as you want. As a result, you will see a lot of tweaks in the settings app. The solution is to combine the functions of all customization tweaks into one all-in-one tweak, allowing you to customize your jailbroken iPhone or iPad with a single tweak without installing many different tweaks. So, if you are looking for all-in-one jailbreak customization tweaks, this article shows you the Best all in one jailbreak customize tweaks iOS 14 for your jailbroken iPhone or iPad.

  1. Springtomize 5
  2. Orion
  3. Lynx 2
  4. Genesis 2
  5. Merriam Tweak
  6. 1One
  7. Uranium tweak
  8. Waveaways tweak

You get to customize different elements like Springboard, Lock Screen, Status Bar, Alerts, Animations, Folders, Icons, Widgets, Control Center, App Library, and others on your jailbroken iOS device by using these all-in-one jailbreak tweaks. You can continue reading ahead to elaborate on the different customization options provided by these awesome tweaks for iOs 14.

Springtomize 5

Springtomize is one of the most popular and oldest iOS customization tweaks ever conceived in the history of jailbreak. So, its developer maintains it every year to be compliant with the latest iOS versions. It provides many options to customize your jailbroken device in one place like never before. In other words, it lets jailbreakers customize their iPhone or iPad the way they like it. So, Springtomize 5 is the newest update to Springtomize that supports customizing the latest iOS 14. 

Springtomize 5 allows jailbreakers to customize their iOS device under the following categories: Animations, App Switcher, Control Center, Dock, Folders, Icons, lock Screen, Miscellaneous, Notification Center, pages and Status Bar. 

Mainly, it has an option to enable or disable the app library on iOS 14.

Furthermore, you can learn more about Springtomize 5 as the all-in-one tweak and how it works in our full review.


Orion jailbreak tweak is also one of the most comprehensive all-in-one jailbreak tweaks we have ever seen. It is the latest all-in-one jailbreak tweak created by iOS developer John Zarogiannis. It is not wrong for John Zarogiannis to call this “all-in-one.” So, as an all-in-one tweak, it offers users a more comprehensive collection of customization options for iOS 14.

Because Orion is packed with many features, its developer has categorized them for the user’s convenience. These are Springboard Customizations, Extra modules, System, System Apps. 

Once installed, it adds a massive preferences window to the settings app on your iPhone or iPad. So, you can begin toggling options on or off to your liking.


  • App Switcher
  • Control Center
  • Home Screen
  • Lock Screen
  • Notifications
  • Status Bar
  • Today Page and Widgets
  • Miscellaneous

Extra Modules

  • Battery Line
  • Bluetooth Battery Info
  • Edgy
  • Looky
  • Network Speed
  • RAM Info


  • General
  • Keyboard

System Apps

  • App Store
  • Camera
  • Clock
  • Messages
  • Music
  • Phone
  • Photos
  • Safari
  • Settings

Now that you have a general idea of the Orion tweak. Those interested in trying the tweak for your iOS 14 customizations can purchase it for $3.99 from the Chariz repository. The tweak also supports jailbroken iOS 13 and 14 devices.

Lynx 2

We can consider Lynx 2 as an all-in-one tweak that every iOS 14 jailbreaker needs. MTAC, an iOS developer, has released the Lynx 2, and it is one of the most comprehensive jailbreak tweaks we’ve ever seen. Like the other tweaks, Linux 2 adds a slightly wider preferences window to the settings app. There, users can configure endless options for the entire user interface in iOS 14.

like the above all-in-one tweaks, Lynx 2 also categorize their customization options such as,

  • Springboard
  • App Library
  • Icons
  •  Control Center
  • Widgets
  • Lock Screen
  • App Switcher
  • Status Bar
  • Settings
  • Music
  • Messages
  • App Store
  • Phone
  • Photos
  • Camera

Those interested in experiencing Lynx 2 can purchase the tweak for just $2.00 from the Twickd repository via their favourite package manager. Significantly, the tweak is entirely free if you already own the Lynx original tweak. Lynx 2 only supports jailbroken iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 devices.

Genesis 2

Another new all-in-one jailbreak tweaks you should not miss in iOS 14 named Genesis 2 by iOS developer ItzNebbs. Genesis 2 is the latest all-in-one tweak for jailbroken devices, offering powerful tools for customizing the various user interfaces found across iOS 14. It is one of the best Springtomize 5 alternatives. The tweak provides a dedicated preference pane to the Settings app, where users can configure things as they like. Mainly, it allows customizing,

  • Control Center
  • Lock Screen
  • Power Menu
  • SpringBoard
  • Status Bar
  • System-Wide

Primarily, it lets users enable or disable the new Power Menu design and choose designs between default, colourful, or PowerTap aesthetics. At first glance, Genesis 2 looks like a fun and valuable all-in-one tweak. It has a lot of options that jailbreakers can do and have a lot of fun with.

Those interested in trying Genesis 2 can purchase it for $2.00 from the Packix repository. It supports jailbroken iOS 13 & iOS 14 devices.

Merriam Tweak

Merriam tweak is the most advanced customization all-in-one jailbreak tweak for customizing iOS 14 on a budget by iOS developer kanns. The developer has provided over 190+ customization options with Merriam tweak. However, it is not easy to describe all the features, and we pay close attention to outlining all the features that we can easily understand.

Merriam also categorize their customization options such as,

  • Control Center
  • System-Wide
  • Home Screen
  • Apps
  • Status Bar
  • Lock Screen
  • App Switcher
  • Blurs and Transparency

Those interested in experiencing Merriam can purchase it for just $0.99 from the Packix repository. It also supports jailbroken iOS 12, iOs 13, and iOS 14 devices.


1ONE is another all in one jailbreak customize tweaks iOS 14 that offers users a wide range of options to customize their interfaces throughout iOS 14. It allows jailbreakers to customize their iOS device under the following categories:

  • Alerts
  • Animations
  • App Switcher
  • Dock
  • Home Screen
  • Hide Stuff
  • Folders
  • Music Player
  • Keyboard
  • Lock Screen
  • Others
  • Random Colors
  • Status Bar

If you are looking to get started with customizing iOS devices for the first time, this is an excellent tweak to start. It is available to purchase for $1.99 from the Packix repository, and 1ONE tweak supports jailbroken iOS 12, iOS 13, and iOS 14 devices.

Uranium – Free

iOS developer FissionDev has released a free tweak called Uranium that lets jailbreakers customize their iOS 14’s interfaces. However, it enables or disables many main features in iOS 14, like App Library, Home bar, Quick Action Buttons on the Lock Screen, Control Center Grabber, App Labels on Home Screen, etc.

You can learn more about Uranium and how it works in our full review.

Waveaways – Free

Are you looking for a quick and easy way to personalize various iOS user interfaces for free? WaveAway is another newly released Jailbreak tweak by iOS developer Sangster, and it is free.

Especially, WaveAway is an all-in-one free jailbreak tweak that allows you to customize your iOS 14. But, as it does not offer as much specialization as Springtomize 5, Orion, Merriam, and 1One. But, it is worth checking out as a free release.

You can learn more about WaveAway tweak and how it works in our full review.

If you are looking for the best all in one jailbreak customize tweaks iOs 14, I think that this article will help you. But, If you know more all in one jailbreak tweaks, be sure to share with us by commenting in the comment section below.

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