Do Not Disturb is one of the most-used features among iPhone and iPad users. That’s because sometimes iPhone users want to experience a movie or a game without an app with notifications that can disrupt their mental concentration. However, after releasing several iOS & iPadOS updates, the Do Not Disturb feature has evolved substantially. But I do not know why Apple has not yet added iOS or iPadOS to enable or disable the DND feature using a timer automatically. Therefore, iOS developer 0xkuj seems to have filled that void with a free jailbreak tweak called CCDNDTimer.

Like the tweak’s name implies, the CCDNDTimer tweak adds a Do Not Disturb timer module to the Control Center. So, you can conveniently initiate a timed Do Not Disturb session from anywhere in the iOS or iPadOS operating systems.

As you can see in the screenshot examples above, the tweak adds a new module to Control Center. Once you tap, it allows you to enter both a start and end time for the Do Not Disturb session. Within that period, Do Not Disturb will prevent you from any unwanted distractions.

Once the CCDNDTimer tweak is installed, you need to move to the Control Center preferences in the Settings app and add the CCDNDTimer module to the Control Center.

CCDNDTimer Control Center Settings

Highlighting the /r/jailbreak thread, 0xkuj developed the CCDNDTimer tweak in response to a tweak requested a week ago by /u/RTrek.

CCDNDTimer Repo

Those interested in implementing a custom Do Not Disturb session of their iPhone or iPad’s Control Center can download the CCDNDTimer for free from the Packix repository via their favorite package manager app.

The CCDNDTimer also supports jailbroken iOS and iPadOS 13 and 14 devices. It is also open-source on the developer’s GitHub page.

Do you intend to take advantage of custom Do Not Disturb sessions with the CCDNDTimer? Be sure to let us know in the comments section below.

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