No doubt Apple is offering the best touchscreen-based keyboard for their smartphones. But perhaps one of the things that caught my attention was the amount of wasted space on the devices, especially at the bottom of the keyboard interface. Keyplus (Key+) is a newly released jailbreak tweak by iOS developer XCXiao that makes effective use of the unused space on the keyboard interface with more useful commands and shortcuts. These include text editing shortcuts for cutting, copying, and pasting, customizing the output of key swipes, quickly insert pasteboard items, and a quick access Emoji bar.

Even if you regularly use your iPhone or iPad to send Documents, Notes, or a lot of messages, Key+ has the potential to make it easier to type daily.

After installation, the KeyPlus adds a special preferences window in Settings app.


Key+ Options:

  • Turn on or off Key+ on demand
  • Configure the Emoji bar
  • Configure the Pasteboard bar
  • Set up the Action bar
  • Set up the Swiping of keyboard keys

You will see a preference window separated by different sections in the settings app.

Emoji bar

In the Emoji Bar Preferences window, users can configure the emoji bar on the keyboard.

  • Selecting user-selected favorite Emojis or recently used Emojis
  • If you choose the user-selected favorite Emojis, you can insert the emoji you want to display on the keyboard
  • Set how many emojis are allowed to appear in a row in the emoji bar

Pasteboard Bar

In the Pasteboard Column Preferences window, you can configure how the Pasteboard items are handled and displayed.

  • Adjust the number of pasteboard items in the pasteboard bar via a slider
  • Avoid displaying duplicate items in the pasteboard bar
  • Avoid showing empty items in the pasteboard bar

Action Bar

In the action bar preference window, users can select the text editing options that should or should not be shown in the action bar.

  • Cut
  • Copy
  • Emoji bar
  • Paste
  • Pasteboard bar
  • Select all
  • Abolish
  • Repeat
  • Choose work

Swiping Keys

In the swipe key preferences window, users can customize the behavior in the text field when they swipe through certain letters on the iOS keyboard.

  • Using the preset swiping key
  • Customize swipe keys:
    • Enter letters you want to swipe to automate any text entry
    • Enter a word (s) that appear when you swipe through the keyboard letters above

Key+ Keyboard tweak repo & Download

You can download it for $ 0.50 from the KeyPlus Packix repository. Moreover, Key + supports jailbroken iOS 13 and 14 devices.

Do you have any idea to update your iPhone keyboard with new keys + tweak? Be sure to explain it in the comments section below.

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